RSS Updates, Read-It-Later, and Being Precious

This is a follow up to the post My RSS Set Up.
Also, this is part of the purging my drafts sprint at the end of the year.

tl;dr: I switched the default. Previously, I treated everything as precious. Now I have to mark things as precious.


I have several hundred feeds I manage through my FreshRSS instance. It is my window into the internet and the world. However, midway through this year, I realized I was feeling overwhelmed by the”unread” count constantly going up.


I made several changes that have helped me manage this.

The biggest one is that I enabled “mark an article as read by scrolling” which gets rid of anything I scroll past. You cannot be precious with everything.

I also read the documentation on how extensions work within FreshRSS. I now can read the entire headline of an article while on mobile by enabling the “Title-Wrap” extension. I downloaded and unpacked the zip file in the Docker container in the ./extensions directory. I need to add this step into the docker-compose.yml so it does not get lost.

Finally, instead of assuming I will read everything later, I have embraced a bookmarking and read-it-later app called Linkding. I am able to integrate it directly into FreshRSS using their custom sharing options. Now that the count of unreads in FreshRSS has been tamed, I find myself time to actually read the articles I have set aside. I am opting into being precious with the things in my read-it-later app.